In this first paperback edition of a volume originally published by Mohr Siebeck in 2003, stellar international scholars question whether there in fact was a "parting of the ways" between Judaism and Christianity. Includes a new preface by the editors discussing scholarship since 2003.[...]
Ny skriftligt for femte er udkommet i en revideret version med nyt layout og nye illustrationer.
Ny Skriftligt for femte udfordrer eleverne, så de fremstiller vedkommende og relevante tekster om emner, de interesserer sig for. De formelle færdigheder forbedres og trænes. Bogens emner, [...]
The Unified Modeling Language has become the industry standard for the expression of software designs. The Java programming language continues to grow in popularity as the language of choice for the serious application developer. Using UML and Java together would appear to be a natural marriage, one[...]
Biological systems are often best explored and explained using the power of maths - from the rate at which enzymes catalyse essential life processes, to the way populations ebb and flow as predators and prey interact. Mathematical tools lie at the heart of understanding biological systems - and math[...]