A rare peak into the heart of the guru-disciple relationship through a series of letters between the renowned Advaita Master, Ramesh S. Balsekar and two of his ripest disciples.Ramesh reveals himself to be a Living Master who sparkles with wit, compassion and wisdom as he undertakes the impossible t[...]
"It is not an action. It is a happening." The daily talks with Ramesh Balsekar used to be an eloquent and delightful happening of the Teachings of pure Advaita (Non-duality). When the ego asked: "How can the intellectual understanding, which is a conceptual understanding, become the truth for me?" [...]
Change, unceasing change which is the very basis of life and living, is what Let Life Flow is all about. Ramesh says that life is like a deep river, flowing incessantly, whereas the day-to-day living for most people is a preference for the security and stagnancy of the little pools beside the river.[...]
Now in his eighties and regarded as the world's greatest living sage, Balsekar is the primary exponent of the teaching of "Advaita," which holds that everything is one, that all humanity is an intrinsic part of the universe rather than split from it. This anthology comprises thematic extracts from a[...]