In August 2003, a mysterious and unprecedented collaboration of American and Romanian military troops conducted an expedition beneath the Romanian Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains and uncovered the greatest archaeological find of all time: a mysterious chamber some 50,000 years old with holographic te[...]
Written by Peter Moon and Radu Cinamar, a highly placed Romanian intelligence operative, this book heralds the most remarkable archaeological find in the annals of Mankind. Unbeknownst to most, there is an ancient sphinx located in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania. In 2003, the Pentagon discovered, t[...]
Radu Cinamar stunned the world when he released his first book, "Transylvanian Sunrise", which described the greatest archaeological find of all time: a hidden chamber some 50,000 years old with beneath the Romanian Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains. This chamber includes holographic technology with a [...]
After a hall of records was discovered beneath the Romanian Sphinx in 2003, an ancient parchment surfaced in the highest mountains of Tibet. This book tells the story of the detailed political intrigues behind these remarkable finds and also how these matters have been subject to intervention by sup[...]