A fully revised and updated edition of the program that's sold more than 5.5 million copies worldwide--plus a new chapter addressing shoulder pain
Since the McKenzie Method was first developed in the 1960s, millions of people have successfully used it to free themselves from chronic back and ne[...]
Maintain effective long-term back self-management with Robin McKenzie's completely revised and formatted 9th edition landmark patient book. This informative, easy-to-read book contains updated content from Robin McKenzie.[...]
Tämä helppotajuinen potilaille tarkoitettu käsikirja antaa lukijalle aktiivisen tavan hoitaa selkäkipuaan. Ensimmäinen painos ilmestyi vuonna 1980. Kuntouta itse selkäsi -kirjan ohjeet on koetelty useissa tutkimuksissa, joissa sen hyöty ja pätevyys on vuosien varrella todistettu. Äskettäin[...]
The phenomenon known as the McKenzie Method has helped millions of people with chronic back and neck pain. In 7 Steps to a Pain-Free Life, its founder, world-renowned physical therapist Robin McKenzie, shares the innovative program that can save you from a life of pain. 7 Steps to a Pain-Free Life c[...]