This collection of essays draws from over 30 years of work by noted economist Pranab Bardhan to address the inter-related themes of international trade, growth and rural development.[...]
This wide-ranging review of some of the major issues in development economics focuses on the role of economic and political institutions. Drawing on the latest findings in institutional economics and political economy, Pranab Bardhan, a leader in the field of development economics, offers a relative[...]
The recent economic rise of China and India has attracted a great deal of attention - and justifiably so. Together, the two countries account for one-fifth of the global economy and are projected to represent a full third of the world's income by 2025. Yet, many of the views regarding China and Indi[...]
The recent economic rise of China and India has attracted a great deal of attention - and justifiably so. Together, the two countries account for one-fifth of the global economy and are projected to represent a full third of the world's income by 2025. Yet, many of the views regarding China and Indi[...]
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen Neuvostoliitto oli pelokas valtio, joka panosti tavattoman paljon sotilaallisen tiedon hankintaan ja suojaamiseen. Oli täysin normaalia, että lähialueiden maantiedosta ja liikenneväylistä haettiin kaikki mahdollinen tieto. Punalaivaston väyläoppaat perustuu Neuv[...]