The Dark Tower saga begins again...on Earth If you thought the badlands of Mid-World were dangerous, just wait until you experience Brooklyn in the 1960s Meet Eddie Dean, a troubled young man gifted with the ability to open doors to other worlds. Can he survive family tragedy, haunting addiction, [...]
A secret society of monsters and misfits, The Nightbreed have always been with us. Before Fables, before Once Upon A Time, Clive Barker created a secret town of monsters that live among us. Don't worry if you've never seen the film - Barker and writer Marc Andreyko (Manhunter) have crafted a story t[...]
Retired superhero Simon Cooke has returned to Saturn City to live life as a "normal" civilian. Easier said than done! Now that the full-blown, ten-year superhero orgy is over, life in Saturn City is getting even more complicated. And not only for the newly- "normalized" Simon Cooke; everyone seems t[...]