Democracy Past and Future is the first English-language collection of Pierre Rosanvallon's most important essays on the historical origins, contemporary difficulties, and future prospects of democratic life. One of Europe's leading political thinkers, Rosanvallon proposes in these essays new readin[...]
Democracy is established as a generally uncontested ideal, while regimes inspired by this form of government fall under constant criticism. Hence, the steady erosion of confidence in representatives that has become one of the major political issues of our time. Amidst these challenges, the paradox r[...]
The latest contribution to one of the most distinguished and important series in political thought in the world.[...]
Since the 1980s, society's wealthiest members have claimed an ever-expanding share of income and property. It has been a true counterrevolution, says Pierre Rosanvallon--the end of the age of growing equality launched by the American and French revolutions. And just as significant as the social and [...]
It's a commonplace that citizens in Western democracies are disaffected with their political leaders and traditional democratic institutions. But in "Democratic Legitimacy", Pierre Rosanvallon, one of today's leading political thinkers, argues that this crisis of confidence is partly a crisis of und[...]
Demokratins ideal härskar idag oinskränkt, men de regimer som åberopar sig på detta ideal är överallt utsatta för stark kritik. Medborgarnas sjunkande förtroende för sina politiska representanter har blivit ett av vår tids stora problem. Men även om valdeltagande på många håll har mins[...]
Demokratins princip utgör i dagens samhällen ett oomtvistat värde. Under det synbara samförståndet ligger dock en fundamental ovisshet beträffande demokratins innebörd. För historikern Pierre Rosanvallon är denna ovisshet sprungen ur demokratins själva väsen.
I kontrast[...]
Tuoreessa teoksessaan Vastademokratia Rosanvallon tutkii edustuksellisen politiikan kriisiä demokraattiseen toimintaan kohdistuvan epäilyn ja epäluulon kannalta. Hän korostaa epäilyn perinnettä, missä kansalaiset tarkkailevat edustajiensa tekemisiä. Edustuksellisen vaalidemokratian varjossa [...]