Grounded theory is the most popular genre of qualitative research used in the health professions and is widely used elsewhere in the research world. In this volume, six key grounded theory methodologists examine the history, principles, and practices of this method, highlighting areas in which diffe[...]
Phyllis Noerager Stern and Caroline Porr provide the most accessible description of grounded theory methods to date in this brief, clear, and useful guide. Based on the foundational work of Barney Glaser, the volume reflects the complexity of conducting grounded theory research - not something that [...]
Wurde die Leistungsideologie der Nationalsozialisten durch eine List der Vernunft zur Ressource des Wirtschaftswunders? Sind die Achtundsechziger politisch gescheitert? War die DDR eigentlich bloß eine Fußnote zur Geschichte der Bundesrepublik? Die Thesen des fünften und letzten Bandes von Hans-U[...]