Ever wanted an insight into counselling? Or wished you could be a 'fly-on-the-wall' in a psychotherapy session? Couch Fiction allows you to peep through the key-hole of the therapy room door and, more than that, read the minds of the protagonists...Based on a case study of Pat (our sandal-wearing, c[...]
An" Economist" Best Book of the Year
Everyone accepts the importance of physical health; isn't it just as important to aim for the mental equivalent? Philippa Perry has come to the rescue with "How to Stay Sane" -- a maintenance manual for the mind.Years of working as a psychotherapist showed Ph[...]
There is no simple set of instructions that can guarantee sanity, but if you want to overcome emotional difficulties and become happier, psychotherapist Philippa Perry argues that there are four cornerstones to sanity you can influence to bring about change. By developing your self-observation skill[...]