Medical Massage Care's FSMTB Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination MBLEx Practice Exams 2010 Edition will help massage therapy students pass the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) administered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB). This book includes twenty compl[...]
Blackjack Card Counting is an easy-to-understand reference book for players to use to gain an advantage at casino blackjack by counting cards. The method works because if the dealer reveals more small cards than large cards, the average value of the remaining cards increases. If there are relative[...]
This publication is an easy-to-read summary of Sun Tzu's The Art of War, a masterpiece on strategy and often referenced by generals and theorists throughout history. The book is not only popular among military theorists, but it has also become increasingly popular among political leaders and those i[...]
Noen verdier tas for gitt som norske fellesskapsverdier, mens andre framstilles som uønskede eller som en trussel. Boken tar opp konkrete verdispørsmål slik de blir aktualisert i det norske samfunnet. Hvilke omforminger av verdier foregår, og hvordan skjer dette? På hvilke måter utfordres etab[...]