A fascinating narrative excursion into a bizarre episode in 19th century Ethiopian and British imperial history featuring a remote African despot and his monstrous European-built gun.[...]
The story of Britain's glorious maritime past seen through the changing fortunes of the Cornish port of Falmouth.[...]
Why do we react so strongly to certain places? Why do layers of mythology build up around particular features in the landscape? When Philip Marsden moved to a remote creekside farmhouse in Cornwall, the intensity of his response took him aback. It led him to begin exploring these questions, prompt[...]
Overcome the toughest clinical challenges in nephrology with the new 9th edition of "Brenner & Rector's The Kidney!" A brand-new editorial team of Drs. Maarten W. Taal, Glenn M. Chertow, Philip A. Marsden, Karl Skorecki, Alan S. L. Yu, and Barry M. Brenner, together with a diverse list of internatio[...]