This volume includes the texts of Erasmus's 1524 diatribe against Luther, De Libero Arbitrio, and Luther's violent counterattack, De Servo Arbitrio. E. Gordon Rupp and Philip Watson offer commentary on these texts as well.Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanator[...]
This new edition of J. E. Gordon's classic introduction to the properties of materials used in engineering answers some fundamental and fascinating questions about how the material world around us functions. In particular, Gordon focuses on so-called strong materials, such as metals, wood, ceramics,[...]
Covers the field of inspecting dwellings, from ascertaining the clients requirements, setting the instructions by way of agreeing the Conditions of Engagement for any one of the five types of report envisaged as being covered by the series, to the physical inspection itself. This book also discusses[...]
The historical books, from Joshua to Ezra and Nehemiah, form the narrative backbone of the Old Testament. Without them the Pentateuch would stop cold and the Prophets would hang in suspension. Even the Psalms and Wisdom literature would lose some of their luster for lack of a setting. Without these [...]
Tatu jättää talonsa ja matkustaa avaruuteen saakka.Ensin tutustutaan raketin toimintaan, ja sitten eri planeettoihin ja niiden rakenteeseen. Muistelemme yhdessä Tatun kanssa astronauttien kuumatkaa ja säälimme Plutoa, joka menetti planeetan arvonsa. Aurinko vasta ihmeellinen kapistus onkin! Lu[...]
Tutustumme Tatun kanssa ihmiskehoon, joka on täynnä ihmeitä. Tiesitkö, että elimistösi valmistaa kaksi miljoonaa uutta punasolua joka sekunti? Ja jos verisuonesi voisi levittää yhdeksi pitkäksi nauhaksi, ne yltäisivät kolme kertaa maapallon ympäri. Mutta älä kokeile tätä kotona. Saat[...]