English summary: Peter Schlechtriem is one of the leading scholars in the fields of uniform law, comparative law and the law of obligations. It is therefore not surprising that a large number of authors contributed to this Festschrift on his 70th birthday. On comparative law in particular, prominent[...]
English summary: In these articles, colleagues, friends and students of Hans Stoll pay tribute to him on his 75th birthday. He is a scholar and teacher who in his studies of German, international and foreign private law was particularly instrumental in the development of the German law of obligation[...]
Fur die Neuauflage hat Ulrich G. Schroeter das gesamte Lehrbuch grundlich uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Aus Rezensionen zur Vorauflage: "Das Lehrbuch ist ein weiterer Beleg fur die ausserordentliche didaktische Begabung Schlechtriems ...]. Der durchdachte inhaltliche Aufbau und die sprachliche Beg[...]