Provides a practical foundation for the design, implementation and management of database systems. This edition has been updated with the developments and technologies and incorporates a generous number of localised and motivating business vignettes that tie the concepts to real-life situations.[...]
"This highly relevant handbook addresses and discusses a key period of change to the educational landscape with regard to the increased use of support staff. By highlighting the central problems found in every day classrooms, the authors argue that it isnot individual Teaching Assistants who are at [...]
This key text examines the impact of teaching assistants on pupils learning, and provides a conceptually and empirically strong explanatory framework that shows teachers and student teachers how teaching assistants can be better deployed.[...]
Accessible, refreshingly candid, but above all helpful, this pragmatic guide addresses a real need by dealing with the problems that face the new IT manager.[...]
Six more tests to assess non-verbal reasoning skills and provide invaluable practice for the 11+ selection tests.[...]
Artenfülle im Taschenformat. Der erfolgreiche Vogelführer mit allen Arten, die in Europa brüten oder regelmäÃig zu sehen sind! 430 Vogelarten Europas. 3500 Farbzeichnungen. Bis zu 20 Abbildungen pro Art. Männchen, Weibchen, verschiedene Kleider, Flugbilder. Vollständig überar[...]
Att vara hyggligt bekant med åtminstone de vanligaste inhemska fågelarterna tillhör allmänbildningen, och kunskapen berikar och fördjupar i allra högsta grad naturupplevelsen. Nya Fågelboken är en modern, lättillgänglig guide för alla naturintresserade. En vacker och pedagogisk fågelbok [...]