Paulo Freire is one of the century's great thinkers on education and the politics of liberation. Known mostly for his literacy campaigns in Latin America and Africa, and for his seminal work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, his thinking continues to be rediscovered by generations of teachers, scholars, c[...]
This book will address a number of urgent themes in education today that include multiculturalism, the politics of whiteness, the globalization of capital, neoliberalism, postmodernism, imperialism, and current debates in Marxist social theory. The above themes will be linked to critical educational[...]
One of the most compelling ethnographies of school ever written, 'Schooling as a Ritual Performance' has for over a decade made its mark among educators, sociologists, and those seeking to understand the cultural meaning of classroom practices. Written by one of the major world figures on the educat[...]
Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution examines what is currently at stake_culturally, politically, and educationally_in contemporary global capitalist society. Written by one of the world's most renowned critical educators, this book evaluates the message of Che Guevara and Paulo[...]
Kahden erilaisen kasvattajan näkemyksiä oikeudesta inhimilliseen elämään. Che Guevara ja Paulo Freire olivat poikkeuksellisia henkilöitä: romantisoituja sankareita, mutta myös julkisia kasvattajia. Heidän toimintatapansa edistää maailmanlaajuista oikeudenmukaisuutta erosivat toisistaan. H[...]
Our educational system is in turmoil. Many would argue that it has been assaulted and oversimplified by the right. There is growing concern that we are becoming a liberal nation-state with an increasingly anti-liberal population and an electorate that is disinterested in politics. In this globalized[...]
In this seminal exploration of Che Guevara's contributions to Marxist thinking, Michael Lowy traces Che's ideas about Marxism both as they related to Latin America and to more general philosophical, political, and economic issues. Now revised and updated, this edition includes a chapter on Guevara's[...]