A diet plan proven to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders presented by the world s leading experts and tailored to you What can I do to feel better? For years, millions of adults who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have asked this question, often to [...]
Denne mye brukte håndboken i oppgaveskriving er en bok man har glede av gjennom hele studieløpet. Den passer for studenter i alle fag, på alle nivåer. Boken handler først og fremst om ulike typer selvstendige oppgaver, men inneholder også stoff om bundne oppgaver. Forfatterne tar utgangspunkt [...]
Kirjaan on koottu pitkän linjan valmentajan Peter Gibsonin (s.1958) omia opetusmetodeja ja tekniikoita jotka perustuvat alun perin Pohjois-Kiinan Shaolin temppelin Kung Fu:n mutta ovat tänä päivänä pitkälle modernisoituja ja muokattu vastaamaan tämän päivän maailman haasteisiin.[...]
If you're like most business leaders, innovation now tops your corporate agenda. But despite all the talk and excitement about the importance of innovation, managers have so far found scant help for innovating in a systematic way that fuels consistent growth and sustained success. In "Innovation to [...]