Imagine thinking about your company's information technology in the same way that you think about its investment portfolio: as a bundle of assets that - when managed right - will generate revenues and savings. Here's just such a framework for leveraging IT (technology, networks, data, and software) [...]
Offers quick, fun tests that provide further practice in the core skills. Premier Quick Tests cover the essential topics for Key Stage 2 Maths. Each topic is introduced clearly before fun tests provide ten minutes of practice per topic. After the test is completed there is a colour-in testometer whi[...]
Offers quick, fun tests that provide further practice in the core skills. Premier Quick Tests cover the essential topics for Key Stage 2 Maths. Each topic is introduced clearly before fun tests provide ten minutes of practice per topic. After the test is completed there is a colour-in testometer whi[...]
200 övningar i matte och svenska
Fortsättningsbok 5-7 år
Den här övningsboken i sdrien Guldstjärneböcker är skapad för att tidigt utveckla barns läs- och skrivförmåga och färdigheter i räkning.
200 övningar i matte och svenska är skriven av pedagoger [...]