This volume presents mathematical formulas and theorems commonly used in economics. It includes both formulas like Roy's identity that are peculiar to economics, and formulas like Leibniz's rule that are common to many areas of applied mathematics. The volume is meant to be a reference work, to be u[...]
This volume presents mathematical formulas and theorems commonly used in economics. It includes both formulas like Roy's identity that are peculiar to economics and formulas like Leibniz's rule that are common to many areas of applied mathematics. The volume is meant to be a reference work, to be us[...]
Boka er skrevet for studenter innenfor økonomiske fag og vil være et godt hjelpemiddel for økonomer som bruker matematiske og statistiske metoder i arbeidet I fjerde utgave er det kommet til mer enn 70 nye formler og resultater. Spesielt er det tatt med noen sentrale begreper og resultater fra ha[...]