Peter B. Evans - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Peter B. Evans
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  1. Bringing the State Back in (Pocket)


    Peter B. Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, Theda Skocpol

    ISBN: 9780521313131 - UTGIVEN: 198511

    Until recently, dominant theoretical paradigms in the comparative social sciences did not highlight states as organizational structures or as potentially autonomous actors. Indeed, the term ‘state’ was rarely used. Current work, however, increasingly views the state as an agent which, alth[...]

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    från 370.00 kr
  2. Embedded Autonomy (Pocket)


    Peter B. Evans

    ISBN: 9780691037363 - UTGIVEN: 1995-02

    In recent years, debate on the state's economic role has too often devolved into diatribes against intervention. Peter Evans questions such simplistic views, offering a new vision of why state involvement works in some cases and produces disasters in others. To illustrate, he looks at how state agen[...]

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    från 505.00 kr