This collection explores the growing interface between Eastern and Western concepts of what it is to be human from analytical psychology, psychoanalytic and Buddhist perspectives. The relationship between these different approaches has been discussed for decades, with each discipline inviting its fo[...]
The Understanding series is the perfect, concise but detailed, introduction to popular therapies and natural remedies. Each book is written by an authority in the field, making them essential guides for all those who want to improve their physical health and wellbeing.[...]
En komplett guide för att öka förståelsen för den märkliga växten
Många tror att Aloe Veran är en kaktus men i själva verket är den en av de taggigare medlemmarna av liljefamiljen. Aloe Verans kraft beror på den mängd olika ingredienser som den innehåller, bland annat minera[...]
The new edition of this insightful text on inclusion offers an overview of issues faced by practitioners. Full of practical activities, it helps both students and practitioners develop their own inclusive practices.[...]