In "A Cock-Eyed Comedy," Father Trennes is like Virginia Woolf's Orlando, a spirit of the age moving through several centuries of Spain's history. His most recent incarnation is as an Opus Dei religious leader in present-day Spain, whose conformity Goytisolo delightfully savages. A cast of real peop[...]
Quim Monzo is the foremost Catalan writer of his generation and has been translated into over a dozen languages. This is regarded by many as his greatest work. At once a dirty joke and a highbrow novel, a bawdy tale and an exquisite pastiche, it tells the bizarre story of Ramon Maria. Translated fro[...]
Another day in Barcelona, another slimy politician's wife is suspected of infidelity. Lluis Font discovers a portrait of his wife in an exhibition that leads him to conclude he is being cuckolded by the artist. Concerned only about the potential political fallout, he hires twins Eduard and Pep, priv[...]
On August 6 th 1989 , the day on which the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration, the body of a strangled transvestite is discovered in the humid undergrowth of the Havana Woods. He is wearing a beautiful red evening dress and the red ribbon with which he was asphyxiated is sti[...]