El pueblo judio ha prosperado durante mas de cuatro mil anos en condiciones tanto buenas como inconcebibles. En "Se descifra el codigo judio," Perry Stone ayuda a los lectores a desentranar los secretos de este exito. Cualquiera puede aplicar a su vida estos principios consagrados Para crear riqueza[...]
Que es lo que esta pasando en el mundo? Hay un ambiente de desasosiego que flota como una nube de tormenta en los Estados Unidos de America. Por que hay tanta agitacion en tantos niveles? Hacia donde se dirige EE.UU. y el mundo? Cual entre el mar de naciones emergera como la sobreviviente y lider?En[...]
What in the world is going on? There is an unsettling mood hanging like storm clouds over North America. Why is there so much upheaval on so many levels? Where is America moving, and where is the world heading? Who will emerge from among the sea of nations as the survivor and the leader? In times of[...]
Walking in and under the favor of God. Do your prayers, praise, and worship sometimes feel like a routine? Weeks or months may pass with no demonstration of any financial, spiritual, or personal breakthrough. In "Opening the Gates of Heaven," Perry Stone shows you how to release the flow of heaven's[...]
The undeniable power of praying womenIn the Bible, God cannot resist the prayer of a godly woman, and a godly woman cannot resist communicating with God. Women's prayers have tremendous power to touch the heart of God, move the hand of God, change the mind of God, and attract the favor of God.In "Sc[...]
From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife. If you do believe in two worlds beyond this one world, and[...]
En "Como interpretar suenos y visiones," el autor de exitos de ventas y evangelista Perry Stone explica la orientacion espiritual y las advertencias codificadas en nuestras visiones y suenos, e incluye una extensa lista de los suenos mas comunes y sus simbolismos. Con su caracteristico conocimiento [...]
Walking in and under the favor of GodDo your prayers, praise, and worship sometimes feel like a routine"?" Weeks or months may pass with no demonstration of any financial, spiritual, or personal breakthrough. In "Opening the Gates of Heaven," Perry Stone shows you how to release the flow of heaven's[...]
Open a new avenue of understanding into how God warns, leads, and guides your steps and how He reveals His concern for you.Everyone dreams. Some even have visions. But both experiences often leave people searching for interpretations. What did the dream mean? Is it a warning? Is it advice? Is it pre[...]
God has never done anything that did not require a radical choice. Nearly everyone recognizes that things in our world must change. Our nation, our communities, and even our churches are often heading in the wrong direction. Most importantly, we ourselves need to change if we want to bring about bot[...]
Pongase toda la armadura de Dios y sea capaz de sobrevivir y prosperar con eficacia en situaciones de conflicto.
Como creyentes fuimos asignados con un equipo especial por parte de Dios - una armadura espiritual a menudo identificada como "la armadura de Dios," descrita por Pablo en Efesios 6. [...]
En "El codigo del Espiritu Santo" Perry Stone comparte sus descubrimientos, ofreciendo una vision y una comprension mas profunda sobre quien es el Espiritu Santo y como el quiere obrar en nosotros y a traves de nosotros. Ademas de revelar la presencia del Espiritu Santo en el Antiguo Testamento, inc[...]
It's time to rethink what you know about the Holy Spirit.When a rabbi in Jerusalem told Perry Stone that, according to Jewish tradition, speaking in tongues was something the high priest did in the holy of holies, his interest was piqued, and his heart set out on a journey to discover lesser-known d[...]
En Como interpretar suenos y visiones, el autor de exitos de ventas y evangelista Perry Stone explica la orientacion espiritual y las advertencias codificadas en nuestras visiones y suenos e incluy una extensa lista de los suenos mas comunes y sus simbolismos. Consu carateristico conocimiento biblic[...]
The keys for handling and dealing with seasons of betrayal, disappointment, discouragement, and unforgiveness--especially from those we love mostThe Judas goat is the name for an actual goat that is trained to work at a slaughterhouse. The goat is trained to associate with the sheep in the field--ea[...]
Onko Antikristus jo elossa? Mihin sijoittuvat EU ja Pohjola? Tässä kirjassa paljastetaan yli sata suurta profeetallista salaisuutta.Tri Perry Stone nimetään New York Times'issa julistajaksi, jolla on sanottavaa. Eikä hän vain sano. Hän todistaa vastaansanomattomasti oikeaksi sen mitä sanoo -[...]