Leisure is a key aspect of modern living. How did our ancestors experience recreation in the past, and how does this relate to the present? To answer these questions, Peter Borsay examines the history of leisure in Britain over the past 500 years, analysing elements of both continuity and change. [...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero is a very lucky turtle. He has the best friends, the best little sister, the best goldfish and, of course, the best mother. But when he discovers that his mother's birthday is coming up, he can't find the best present. After giving it some serious thought[...]
Since Franklin's friend Otter moved away, nothing seems to go right -- until Franklin figures out a way he and Otter can stay friends. Another Franklin Classic Storybook to delight young readers.[...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin's mother tells him never to go into the woods. But one day Franklin is playing hide-and-seek with his friends and forgets what his mother has told him. Franklin is frightened when he realizes he's lost, but he knows just what to do -- stay in his shell an[...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin can't wait for his best friend Bear to come over for their first sleepover. However, when it's time for bed, Bear begins to miss his own room -- until Franklin comes up with an idea to make Bear feel more comfortable.[...]
Franklin tells a fib and finds himself in an embarrassing predicament. Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark link their talents to produce another winning Franklin Classic Storybook.[...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin has been chosen to play the Nutcracker Prince in his class's production. But will he be too nervous to say his lines when the big night arrives?[...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin is excited about his class trip to the museum. Just before they go inside, Beaver tells him that they'll see real dinosaurs. At first Franklin is worried, but he has so much fun seeing and doing other things in the museum that he almost forgets about the [...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, it's Valentine's Day and Franklin can't wait to give his friends the cards he has made. But when he gets to school, he discovers that they're missing. Franklin is heartbroken and worried that now his friends won't want to give him any cards. Big hearts prevail and[...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin's first school project is to create a picture of what he likes best about his neighborhood. Franklin can't decide what to draw. Beaver chooses the library and Moose decides on the pond. Franklin likes those places, too. But what about the fire station? Or[...]
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero can count forwards and backwards. He can zip zippers and button buttons. He can slide down a riverbank by himself. He can even sleep alone is his small, dark shell. And he's trying very hard to be the best player on his soccer team.[...]
Franklinilla on monta hyvää leikkikaveria. Yksi heistä on Saukko, joka on nyt muuttanut pois. Franklin odottaakin malttamattomana Saukon seuraavaa vierailua ja niitä yhteisiä leikkejä, joita he ovat aina leikkineet. Mutta kaikki ei olekaan niin kuin ennen, ja Franklinin ja Saukon on keksittäv[...]
Franklin nukkuu yönsä hyvin, kunhan hänelle luetaan iltasatu, sujautetaan suukko, sytytetään yövalo - ja annetaan oma sininen unipeitto. Eräänä iltana peittoa ei löydy mistään eikä uni ole tullakseen. Mihin kummaan Franklinin lempipeitto on kadonnut?Franklin-katselukirjassa on sopivan p[...]
Franklinilla on rakas lelukoira Sami, mutta hän tahtoisi myös oikean lemmikkin. Kun äiti ja isä lopulta antavat luvan lemmikin hankintaan, Franklinin toive ei olekaan lintu, kissa, kani tai koira, vaan jotain aivan muuta. Arvaatko, mistä lemmikistä Franklin haaveilee?Franklin-katselukirjassa o[...]
Franklin ja ystävät viettävät yhdessä ikimuistoisia juhlia. Menossa mukana ovat karhu, Kettu, Hanhi, Hirvi, Majava ja herra Pöllö.Kirjassa on neljä tarinaa: Franklin osaa rakastaa, Franklin ja syysjuhlat, Franklin kummitusjuhlissa, Franklinin joululahja.[...]
Franklin osaa kaikenlaista, mutta haaveilee silti että voisi jo tehdä kaikkea, mitä isommat lapset tekevät.Franklinin ystävä Jaakko pitää lippalakkiaan hienosti väärin päin ja osaa lisäksi tehdä hurjia temppuja puistossa. Voisiko Franklinkin olla kuin Jaakko?Jaakon kanssa Franklin saa k[...]
Franklinin suuressa lastenlukemistossa on neljä suosikkitarinaa, joissa Franklin seikkailee ystäviensä Karhun, Ketun, Hanhen ja Saukon kanssa. He leikkivät piilosta metsässä ja haaveilevat ikiomista lemmikeistä. Franklinin paras kaveri on Karhu. Hän tulee Franklinin luo yökylään, ja kaver[...]