Paul Verhaeghe's critical evaluation of the contemporary DSM-diagnostic shows that the lack of reference to an updated governing metapsychology impinges on the therapeutic value of the DSM categories. In response to this problem, the author sketches out the foundations of such a metapsychology by co[...]
This book describes how Freud attempted to chart hysteria, yet came to a standstill at the problem of woman and her desire, and of how Lacan continued along this road by creating new conceptual tools. The difficulties and upsets encountered by both men are examined.
This lucid presentation of th[...]
According to current thinking, anyone who fails to succeed must have something wrong with them. The pressure to achieve and be happy is taking a heavy toll, resulting in a warped view of the self, disorientation, and despair. People are lonelier than ever before. Today's pay-for-performance mentalit[...]
Normaaliudesta ja muista mielenhäiriöistä on professori Paul Verhaeghen ajattelun mammuttimainen yhteenveto. Tässä Goethe-palkitussa teoksessa Verhaeghe avaa jäljittelemättömällä tyylillään ja laajalla oppineisuudellaan psykiatrisen ja psykologisen diagnostiikan perustavimpia kysymyksiä[...]