Batman: Arkham Asylum is Batman on the cutting edge, as he faces not only his most dangerous foes but his own inner demons as well. Full-color illustrations.[...]
An Introduction to Health Psychology, Third edition givesyou a comprehensive and lively introduction to this interesting field.Retaining the highly praised approach of the first and second editions, each chapter outlines and describes the theory and research before moving on to explore applications [...]
The bestselling JavaScript reference, now updated to reflect changes in technology and best practices As the most comprehensive book on the market, the JavaScript Bible is a classic bestseller that keeps you up to date on the latest changes in JavaScript, the leading technology for incorporating in[...]
Denne boken gir deg en steg-for-steg hjelp til å forstå dine problemer, den hjelper deg til positive forandringer og bidrar til bedring. Gjennom spørsmål og oppgaveark får du hjelp til å identifisere og se mønsteret i erfaringene dine. Du lærer hvordan du kan forandre tanker, følelser og at[...]
Psykoosin varhaisoireet - tunnistaminen ja kognitiivinen psykoterapia -teoksessa kuvataan kognitiivisena psykoterapiana tunnettua psykologista hoitomenetelmää ja hahmotellaan niitä erikoismenetelmiä, joita kirjan tekijät ovat kehittäneet psykoosiriskissä olevien asiakkaiden kanssa työskentel[...]