"An extremely informative and useable book covering many aspects of communication ...highly recommended for students and practitioners in the mental health field, whether nurses or not." Mental Health Practice "Learning to communicate effectively is vital for all nurses ...This exciting new book, wi[...]
En omfattande bedömning av hela patientens hälsostatus är den grund på vilken vårdbeslut baseras. Detta gäller inte minst personens fysiska hälsostatus. Sjuksköterskor förväntas se och bedöma patienten som en hel individ som är mer än summan av sina delar, där fysiska, känslomässiga,[...]
This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of civil liability for invasion of personality interests in Europe. It is the final product of the collaboration of twenty-seven scholars and includes case studies of fourteen European jurisdictions, as well as an introductory chapter written from a US p[...]
This book is about privacy interests in English tort law. Despite the recent recognition of a misuse of private information tort, English law remains underdeveloped. The presence of gaps in the law can be explained, to some extent, by a failure on the part of courts and legal academics to reflect on[...]