This history of the birth of modern science shatters the illusion that science is a drya and divorced from culture by exploring the powerful clashes between traditions and value systems that gave rise to it. The author shows how many of the characteristics that distinguish science today emerged in [...]
"A rich historical pastiche of 17th- and 18th-century philosophy, science, and religion."--G. Y. Craig, "New Scientist "
"This book, by a distinguished Italian historian of philosophy, is a worthy successor to the author's important works on Francis Bacon and on technology and the arts. [...]
Italialaisen Paolo Rossin teos modernin tieteen synnystä johdattaa lukijan yleistajuisesti tieteen historiaan ja sen herättämiin tieteenfilosofisiin kysymyksiin. Rossi tutkii eri tieteenalojen koulukuntien välisiä yhteenottoja ja niiden taustalla piileviä arvojärjestelmiä ja kumoaa siten oiv[...]