"The Nine Eyes of Light "is an exploration into multidimensional being. This is the light-body guidebook for the spiritual traveler. The Nine Eyes, also known as Ascension Keys, are the nine levels of consciousness that served as the foundation for Egypt's awakened civilization. Deeply relevant for [...]
Shakti is the Divine life force that ceaselessly manifests, creates and activates. Igniting this living power within is the key for both men and women to transform themselves and attain union, harmony and peace. The fluid intelligence of Shakti enflames, empowers and awakens, igniting life force, jo[...]
What is love...and what is it not? Why is love the most misused word on this planet? Is love meant to hurt? Is there a map to love that I can follow? The Pathway to God s Divine Love, the simplest pathway on earth, has been obscured by our own forgetting of who God is. Dimensions of Love: 7 Steps to[...]
Christ Consciousness was established by Christ and the 12 Apostles surrounding him 2000 years ago in the form of the Christ Blueprint. It is a map of equal, interconnected relationships, where each part of the Blueprint, each person is in a sacred or heart centred relationship, which is necessary fo[...]