For 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series(R) has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Ob/Gyn Secrets, 4th Edition, by Drs. Amanda Mularz, Steven Dalati, and Ryan A. Pedigo, features t[...]
While most pregnancy books only address the stages of the baby's development, The Panic-Free Pregnancy comprehensively covers the lifestyle issues and questions that confront every mom-to-be. Dr. Broder separates fact from fiction, media hype from old wives tales, and drawing on the latest scientifi[...]
IAU Symposium 272 presents an overview of the latest research into active OB stars. These massive, volatile objects serve as test beds for extreme conditions, and research into them has entered a new era with the advent of new space and round-based instrumentation. In this volume, renowned experts d[...]
The most up-to-date, comprehensive week-by-week pregnancy guide As a mom-to-be, you have lots of questions.[...]
SIE WERDEN ANGELOGEN Man sagt, dass Sie niemals Ihre Mutter fragen sollten, ob Ihre Gesch ftsidee gut ist, denn sie liebt Sie und wird deswegen l gen. Stimmt, verfehlt aber das eigentliche Argument Sie sollten niemanden fragen, ob Ihre Gesch ftsidee gut ist. Diese schlecht formulierte Frage fordert[...]
The treatise by Andreas Osiander is one of the few texts in the time of the Reformation defending the Jews against the unjustified charges brought up against them since the Middle Ages. The most perfidious and dangerous of these charges was the blood libel accusation which claimed that the Jews stol[...]
Vnimaniju chitatelej predlagajutsja romany izvestnogo avstrijskogo pisatelja Stefana Tsvejga, posvjaschennye znamenitym puteshestvennikam Magellanu i Amerigo.Amerigo Vespuchchi. Ego imenem nazvan tselyj materik.Fernan Magellan ? sovershil pervoe krugosvetnoe puteshestvie, otkryl proliv v juzhnoj oko[...]
Chto takoe podlinnyj uspekh, i kak ego dostich? Mozhno li obresti schaste, kotoroe ne zavisit ni ot karernogo rosta, ni ot mirovykh krizisov? Kak izbavitsja ot beskonechnoj zaboty o zavtrashnem dne i nachat poluchat udovolstvie ot kazhdogo prozhitogo dnja? Suschestvujut li prostye retsepty, pozvolja[...]
Ennakkomyynnissä. Ennakkovarauksen voi jättää jo nyt. Alustava ilmestymisaika: 29. toukokuuta 2014[...]
Bolshinstvo ljudej schitaet, chto im suzhdeno prozhit "srednjuju" zhizn i oni nikogda ne dobjutsja nichego vydajuschegosja. Eto absoljutnoe zabluzhdenie! Eto ne tak!Sudba - eto vsego lish rezultat vybora. Eta kniga predlagaet vam sdelat neskolko prostykh, no sudbonosnykh vyborov.Esli vy dejstvitelno[...]
"Gabo Markes. Povest ob odnoj neobychnoj sudbe" - eto istorija zhizni velikogo pisatelja, laureata Nobelevskoj premii po literature Gabrielja Garsia Markesa. Sudba Gabo sama podobna romanu: detstvo on provel v dome babushki i dedushki v nebolshom gorodke Araka-taka. Odnazhdy junyj Gabo uvidel led, -[...]