O'Sullivan and Sheffrin - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: O'Sullivan and Sheffrin
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  1. Microeconomics (Häftad)


    O'Sullivan and Sheffrin

    ISBN: 9781428809451 - UTGIVEN: 200610

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    från 289.00 kr
  2. Survey of Economics, Student Value Edition: Principles, Applications and Tools (Häftad)


    Arthur O'Sullivan, Steven Sheffrin, Stephen Perez

    ISBN: 9780131393462 - UTGIVEN: 2011-02

    For one semester Principles of Economics courses.
    Questions that drive interest, applications that illustrate concepts, and the tools to test and solidify comprehension.
    Students come into their first Economics course thinking they will gain a better understanding of the economy around them.[...]

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    från 999.00 kr