Hur och var ska löner sättas? Hur påverkas lönenivåer och sysselsättning av lönebildningens utformning? Ska lönebildningen vara lokal och individuell? Eller ska vi fortsätta med ett centraliserat system där lönenivåer bestäms i kollektiva förhandlingar mellan arbetsmarknadens parter? O[...]
Does virtuous behavior contribute to business success? And is virtues ethics a superior alternative to corporate social responsibility in business ethics? This volume combines empirical and theoretical contributions from a range of different contexts on the role of virtues in entrepreneurship. It [...]
As countries in the twentieth and twenty-fi rst centuries change from colonialist to independent rule, or from a socialist to a democratic society, the need for a written constitution becomes apparent. Countries in the former Soviet Union, Africa, or nations once part of the British Empire face soci[...]