In a contested, lawless region between Moldova and Ukraine known as Transnistria, a tightly knit group of honest criminals live according to strict codes of ritualized respect and fierce loyalty. In a voice utterly compelling and unforgettable, Nicolai Lilin, born and raised within this exotic subcu[...]
In a contested, lawless region between Moldova and Ukraine known as Transnistria, a tightly knit group of "honest criminals" exiled there by Stalin-live according to strict codes of ritualized respect and fierce loyalty. Here, tattoos tell the story of a man's life, "honest" weapons are separated fr[...]
"The saboteurs? Holy Christ, what happened? What did you do to deserve that?" a fellow soldier responds when he hears that Nicolai Lilin has been assigned to an unconventional, ultra-high-risk paramilitary unit of the Russian army. Also nicknamed the "para-bats" for the black parachutes that dropped[...]
"The saboteurs? Holy Christ, what happened? What did you do to deserve that?" a fellow soldier responds when he hears that Nicolai Lilin has been assigned to an unconventional, ultra-high-risk paramilitary unit of the Russian army. Also nicknamed the "para-bats" for the black parachutes that dropped[...]
By the age of six, Nicolai Lilin had been given his first 'pike knife' by an uncle, and by the age of twelve, he had been convicted of attempted murder ...Nicolai Lilin gained his 'education' as a member of the Siberian Urkas - a small and tight-knit community of 'honest criminals' in a forgotten co[...]
Free Fall is a brutal but engrossing memoir of the Second Chechen War, through the eyes of a young Russian soldier. Nicolai Lilin was conscripted and then trained as a sniper in an unorthodox Russian Special Forces regiment called the Saboteurs. This elite band of men, which operated outside the pur[...]
Free Fall tells the brutal engrossing story of the Second Chechen War, through the eyes of a young Russian Soldier. Nicolai Lilin was trained as a sniper in an unorthodox Russian Special Forces regiment called the Saboteurs. This hardened and close-knit band of brothers, operating beyond the control[...]
Forfatteren forteller her om folket sitt, Urkaene, som under Stalin ble tvangsflyttet fra Sibir til Transnistria, på grensen mellom Moldova og Ukraina. Det er et folk med strenge æresbegrep og stor mistro til fremmede, og historien starter da forfatteren som niåring får opplæring som tatoverer.[...]
I det omstridda och laglösa Transnistrien, beläget mellan Moldavien och Ukraina, lever en tätt sammansvetsad grupp »hederliga kriminella« en gång deporterade av Stalin i enlighet med strikta koder för ritualiserad respekt och kompromisslös lojalitet. Här berättar tatueringar historien om[...]
I det omstridda och laglösa Transnistrien, beläget mellan Moldavien och Ukraina, lever en tätt sammansvetsad grupp »hederliga kriminella« en gång deporterade av Stalin i enlighet med strikta koder för ritualiserad respekt och kompromisslös lojalitet. Här berättar tatueringar historien [...]
Nicolai Lilin varttui entisen Neuvostoliiton alueella sijaitsevassa Transnistriassa. Vahvasti omaelämäkerrallisessa esikoisromaanissaan Lilin kertoo lapsuudestaan ja nuoruudestaan urca-yhteisössä Dnestrin alajuoksulla.Kirja kuvaa Siperiasta Transnitriaan pakkosiirrettyjen karavaanirosvojen yhtei[...]