Nick Vaughan-Williams - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Nick Vaughan-Williams
Visar Resultat (1-3)
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  1. Critical Security Studies (Storpocket)


    Nick Vaughan-Williams, Columba Peoples

    ISBN: 9780415484442 - UTGIVEN: 201006

    Critical Security Studies introduces students of Politics and International Relations to the sub-field through a detailed yet accessible survey of emerging theories and practices. Written in an accessible and clear manner, this textbook: offers a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to critical[...]

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    från 349.00 kr
  2. Border Politics (Pocket)


    Nick Vaughan-williams

    ISBN: 9780748644858 - UTGIVEN: 2012-02-29

    Presents a distinctive theoretical approach to the problem of borders in the study of International Relations. It turns from the current debate regarding the presence or absence of borders to consider the fundamental change that is occurring in the concept of the border in contemporary political lif[...]

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    från 150.00 kr
  3. Critical Border Studies (Inbunden)


    Noel (EDT) Parker, Nick (EDT) Vaughan-williams, Noel (EDT) Parker

    ISBN: 9780415843249 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    This edited collection formalises Critical Border Studies (CBS) as a distinctive approach within the interdisciplinary border studies literature. Although CBS represents a heterogeneous assemblage of thought, the hallmark of the approach is a basic dissatisfaction with the 'Line in the Sand' metapho[...]

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    från 1650.00 kr