This work is a collection of stories designed to engage, inspire and transform the listener and the reader. Some of the stories motivate, some are spiritual, and some provide strategies for excellence. All set out to promote positive feelings, encouraging confidence, direction and vision. The storie[...]
In business, if your team were to share the same vision, direction, and values that you do, how much easier would it be to drive your business forward, and create powerful and favourable impressions on your clients? You and your entire team would be operating as one, moving with confidence and commi[...]
Den här boken är en samling av 76 berättelser, anekdoter och metaforer. Till skillnad från många andra berättelsesamlingar finns i Berättelsens magi också en handledning i hur man berättar och vad man kan använda berättelserna till.
Djupverkande berättelser ger oss nya per[...]