Samskaping, eller «co-creation», har de senere årene fått mye oppmerksomhet innen fagområder som strategi, markedsføring, merkevarebygging og innovasjonsledelse. Det handler om å skape konkurransefortrinn ved å fokusere på hvordan verdiskaping skjer i samspillet mellom organisasjonen og kun[...]
Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) is an umbrella concept used to emphasize what elevates and what is inspiring to individuals and organizations by defining and improving on the challenging, broken, and needlessly difficult. Just as positive psychology explores optimal individual psychologica[...]
Your company's workforce is its most valuable asset. It is the employees who translate your organization's strategy into reality, interact with consumers and determine the corporate brand. "Living the Brand" demonstrates how you can empower and enthuse your employees to create 'brand champions'. Thi[...]
Any business that wants to continue growing has to consider new ways of developing and engaging with customers and clients. Innovation and co-creation have emerged as the key topics in the post-recession business environment. "Brand Together" will show you how to involve all stakeholders in the proc[...]
Organisasjonsdrevet merkebygging er en bok med en ny og frisk innfallsvinkel til merkebygging. Forfatterne utfordrer tradisjonell tenkning i merkebyggingsfaget. De mener at en bedrifts suksess avhenger av at alle dens ansatte deltar på en effektiv måte, og at dette gir fornøyde medarbeidere og ø[...]
We spend much of our waking time working, but sadly, most people are disappointed with what they do. This book asks why we get bored and frustrated with our jobs and then suggests the attitudes and behaviour we should adopt to find fulfilment.[...]