Brian De Palma's adaptation of Stephen King's debut novel, "Carrie" (1976), is one of the defining films of 1970s "New Hollywood" style and a horror classic. The story of a teenage social outcast who discovers she possesses latent psychic powers that allow her to deliver retribution to her peers, te[...]
Who is responsible for the terror, atrocities and violations of human rights that occur in civil wars? Blame can be placed on the actual perpetrators of the massacres, rapes, and pillaging, but it should also be placed on the leaders who manipulate violence for their own purposes. Placing responsibi[...]
The capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia, Sydney has been represented onscreen since the earliest days of cinema. An eclectic combination of tough inner-city suburbs, beachside communities, and green outlying exurbs, Sydney offers many intriguing possibilities to filmma[...]
This Parent's Guide to 11+ success will help you to assess your child's current skills and put a revision and practice plan in place, so that you ensure they are fully prepared for the 11+ selection tests.[...]
This guide to 11+ success will help you to assess your current non-verbal reasoning skills, and target those that you need to practise and build, so that you can sit your 11+ selection tests with confidence.[...]