In Japan, people live longer than anywhere else on Earth; obesity is virtually unknown, and 40-year-old women look like they're 20. The secret: Japanese homestyle cooking, and an approach to eating that is not about self-deprivation, but about celebrating and savouring food. Raised in Tokyo and on h[...]
Raised in Tokyo, author Naomi Moriyama first travelled to the West as a college student, and promptly gained 25 pounds eating a typical Western diet. Returning home for the holidays, she found that the weight melted off as she reverted to the healthy diet of her homeland. The experience inspired her[...]
The Japanese approach to diet and nutrition is not about self-deprivation, but about celebrating food, an approach that comes to life in a practical guide to good eating that is filled with delicious recipes and reminiscences that offer an easy approach to a healthier, slimmer, and longer life, with[...]
Runsaasti kotiruokareseptejä!
Hyvää, perinteikästä japanilaista kotiruokaa. Sitä kymmenet miljoonat japanilaisäidit ja - vaimot tarjoavat perheilleen joka päivä. Se selittää, miksi Japanissa asuu monilla mittareilla mitattuna yksi maailman terveimmistä kansakunnista: