In these remarkable stories, Bail has extended the manifold possibilities of short fiction. Each one creates a strange and fascinating new world, revealed with wry humour and haunting power.[...]
On a family sheep station in the interior of Australia, a brother and sister work the property while their reclusive brother, Wesley Antill, spends years toiling away in one of the sheds, writing a philosophy. Now he has died.[...]
Frank Delage, a middle-aged Australian on the make, arrives in Vienna with the most daring of propositions. He has invented a revolutionary piano and means to market it to the grand old world of classical music. A chance meeting with one Amalia von Schalla brings new possibilities - a soiree, an int[...]
De flesta svenskar, också de hyggligt belästa, får lätt något panikslaget i blicken om de ombeds nämna en enda australiensisk författare skriver Jan Arnald i förordet till Australien berättar som är en antologi med ett brett urval av samtidsförfattare från denna ofta förbisedda kontinen[...]