Since its debut in 1954, "Hi and Lois", the quintessential family comic strip, has chronicled the changing life of the American family. With close to 300 daily strips and more than 80 Sunday pages, plus special drawings and a behind-the-scenes look at how the strip is created, this book forms a funn[...]
Many cartoonists have successfully caused brief splashes of excitement throughout history but simply don't have what it takes to command the world's attention for half a century. That is, unless you're comic genius Mort Walker, beloved creator of the cartoon strips Hi and Lois and Beetle Bailey. Mor[...]
When Mort Walker (b. 1923) was ten years old, he received an inscribed Moon Mullins cartoon from its creator Frank Willard that read, "Say Morton, those drawings you sent me were swell-I'll bet you'll be a big shot cartoonist some day." By the time he was fifteen, Walker was a comic strip artist for[...]
Boken inneholder dags- og søndagsstriper fra Billy, 1959 til 1960. Innledningsvis beskrives hvordan serien utviklet seg i løpet av perioden.[...]
Boken inneholder dags- og søndagsstriper fra Billy, 1961 til 1962. Innledningsvis beskrives hvordan serien utviklet seg i løpet av perioden.[...]
Mort Walkers Basserne har været trykt i aviserne siden 4. september 1950. Dagstriber og søndagssider fra 1950-1974 er tidligere udsendt i bogform i Danmark, og nu udkommer hver amerikansk årgang fra 1975 og frem i en ny bogserie.