Moishe Postone undertakes a fundamental reinterpretation of Karl Marx's mature critical theory. He calls into question many of the presuppositions of traditional Marxist analyses and offers new interpretations of Marx's central arguments. He does so by developing concepts aimed at grasping the essen[...]
This special issue examines the global economic crisis in systemic terms that encompass economic, social, and cultural dimensions of contemporary life. The essays analyze not only the nature of the crisis but also the possibilities of transformative action. One contributor evaluates the historical s[...]
I denna antologi samlar vi texter som beskriver kapitalets utveckling och tvång att underordna alltmer av livet som material för arbete. Genom att beskriva kapitalets gränser och vilken möjlighet till expansion kapitalismen har i en världsmarknad som omsluter hela planeten, och med en produktio[...]