The author says, "I'm just an ordinary human being whose curiousity about human existence beyond death led me to extraordinary experience. . . . If there is any difference between you and me it is only that my curiousity has already led me to exlore and know what lies beyond death in the Afterlife."[...]
âAre you God?â the Planning Intelligence asked.
âNo,â I replied.
âGuess it depends on your perspective,â It said.
To author Bruce Moen, these words acknowledged that his odyssey into the no[...]
This book is a simple system of concepts, techniques and exercises people around the world have successfully used to explore the afterlife safely and reliably for themselves. You no longer need take anyone else's word for the truth about our afterlife, you can find it out for yourself through your o[...]
Forestil dig at du ikke længere behøver at tro på hvad andre fortæller dig om livet efter døden. At du selv kan undersøge og vide hvor du kommer hen når du en dag skal herfra.
Nogle vil påstå at viden om Efterlivet er uopnåelig. De vil fortælle dig at det ikke er muligt at vid[...]
Hvis du har læst den første bog i Bruce Moens Udforskning af Efterlivet-serie, Rejser ind i det Ukendte, så ved du at ethvert nysgerrigt menneske kan finde ud af hvad der sker når vi dør. For at få gjort tro til viden må de fleste af os dog kæmpe med gammel lærdom og overbevisninger ? fysis[...]