Lucy Kirkwood's delightful version of the classic fairytale, first seen in a production devised and directed by Katie Mitchell at the National Theatre for Christmas 2010.[...]
In 2006 Katie Mitchell and her collaborators devised an original work for the National Theatre that seamlessly transposed the pointillist vision of Virginia Woolf's experimental novel into an entirely new form. The book combines the text used from Woolf's novel with corresponding images in order to [...]
The Director's Craft is a unique and completely indispensable step-by-step guide to directing for the stage. Written by one of the most adventurous and respected directors working today, this book will be an essential item in every student and practitioner's kitbag. It provides detailed assistance w[...]
In February 1986 Byron Katie woke up one morning to a fundamental, luminous state of being. Determined to give people a way to discover for themselves what she had realised she developed a simple method of self inquiry called "The Work", based on four simple questions.[...]
An in-depth analysis of the classic spiritual guide, the Tao Te Ching, reveals how the wisdom of the ancient texts can be applied to everyday modern life, exploring such important issues as life, death, love, work, and fulfillment in terms of how an awakened mind can attain true freedom. Read by Byr[...]
This first volume in the 4x45 series investigates the work of theatre director Katie Mitchell. Pausing to reconsider a career in progress, it engages with some of Mitchell's most recent work in the UK and Europe across theatre, opera, and Live Cinema. It also takes a longer view, considering the ear[...]
Inspired by the "Tao Te Ching", Byron Katie present a pragmatic approach to achieving an awakened mind and living more simply. Using the template of the 81 chapters of the "Tao Te Ching", here, she also talks about her experience of living in harmony with the way things are, and and the difference b[...]
Jahrelang litt Byron Katie unter Depressionen, hatte massive Essstörungen, Zornausbrüche und war Alkoholikerin. Mit 44 Jahren schien ihr Leben ziemlich ausweglos. Ein Erleuchtungserlebnis änderte ihr Leben dramatisch. In der Folge entwickelte sie ein ebenso einfaches wie wirkungsvolles Selbsterke[...]
I sin nya bok reflekterar Byron Katie kring Tao Te Ching, det stora kinesiska verket som har kallats den visaste bok som någonsin skrivits. Hon ger dig en inblick i hur tillvaron ter sig för någon som i tjugo års tid har levt med den glädje och vänlighet som Lao Tzu skrev om för 2500 år seda[...]
I denna bok reflekterar Byron Katie kring Tao Te Ching, det stora kinesiska verket som har kallats den visaste bok som någonsin skrivits. Hon ger dig en inblick i hur tillvaron ter sig för någon som i tjugo års tid har levt med den glädje och vänlighet som Lao Tzu skrev om. För Byron Katie ve[...]
Tässä teoksessa yhdistyvät taolainen viisaus sekä elämäntaitokirjailija Byron Katien opetukset itsetutkiskelusta ja sen viitoittamasta tiestä tasapainoiseen ja täyttymykselliseen elämään. Katien aviomies, taolaisuuden asiantuntijan Stephen Mitchellin valitsemat lyhyet taolaiset säkeet to[...]