After the devastating events of "The Last Ride of the Howling Commandos," an even more determined Nick Fury sets his endgame in motion. As predetermined events come to pass, chaos reigns in the world of the Secret Warriors. Then, we jump back in time to see what happened to the one team member who w[...]
The streets run red in the aftermath of Spider-Man, Daredevil and Punisher's search for the Omega Drive. The Omega Effect has reshuffled the deck, and now Frank Castle lays down the law. Rachel Cole is not going to like what she hears, but even punishment has a code. A friend switches sides, Cole be[...]
Witness the chilling creation of Marvel's greatest monster, and liberty's greatest enemy. As Berlin descends into chaos and ruin, sinister forces are on the rise...and the men who will form the Nazi Party ascent to power. Against this tragic backdrop of history, a boy comes of age: Johann Schmidt. O[...]
The New Gods are on the march, and the war against the ring-wielders has begun. John Stewart summons a strike team of Green Lanterns to go into battle against the fiercest of the New Gods, Uggha, and his deadly warriors. But what good is the most powerful weapon in the universe when the Lanterns fac[...]
Shunned from his tribe, a young Native American named Turok fights to survive, making a lonely life for himself in the unforgiving forest. But his hard-won cunning and survival skills face the ultimate test when man-eating Thunder Lizards attack his people! Why are dinosaurs here? How have they surv[...]