In 1487, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger wrote the "Malleus Maleficarum", the premiere manual for exposing, capturing, prosecuting, and burning witches used by every right-thinking European magistrate of the late middle ages. Cartoonist Mike Rosen has adapted this warm and uplifting tome which fu[...]
An updated account of the accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island, based on interviews with key personnel, details the disastrous combination of mechanical failure and human error that nearly led to a reactor meltdown and offers a new introduction and epilogue that explores the curr[...]
When ten Oregonians travel to the Gulf Coast in August 2010 to plumb the devastation wrought by the Deepwater Horizon spill, they discover that Oil and Water is just the first of the insoluble contradictions. Between the tarred sands of Grand Isle and the fouled waters of the Louisiana bayou, they c[...]