Mike Lawrence från USA har tre gånger blivit världsmästare för bridgelag, så vem kan bättre än han lära ut vinnande lagbridge?
I Lagbridge med Lawrence leder dig pedagogen Mike Lawrence på rätt väg i en lagtävling. Boken är nyttig för dig som ofta och gärna spelar lagtävl[...]
This guide aims to show the reader how to predict the way a game of bridge may develop, and by gathering all the threads of information from the bidding, make the most effective opening lead.[...]
The opening lead is the most vital lead in card play. This Fast Fact Finder provides the general questions you must ask yourself before leading and gives a vast number of expert tips for specific lead situations.[...]
A master presents, analyzes, and comments on various hands and combinations
In bridge, a 'falsecard' is a card that is played in attempt to deceive one or more players at the table. Falsecards are not unethical. You can falsecard as much as you want, although prudence is invariably the golden rule for success. The only type of falsecarding that is banned is purposeful false[...]
Mike Lawrence shows how Chapman operated in a fast-moving, highly pressurized world of international racing and car making that generated huge rewards and temptations. The crunch came when he became involved with the ill-fated Delorean car company.[...]
Originally published in 1979, this book has never been out of print. Now, almost 30 years later, the author has revised, updated and expanded the book to take into account modern developments in the theory and practice of competitive bidding.[...]
Originally published in 1989, this book quickly became recognized as a 'must-read' for any would-be bridge expert, and has never been out of print. Now, more than 20 years later, the author has revised, updated and expanded it to take into account modern developments in the theory and practice of c[...]
This is the definitive book on the oldest - and most useful - convention in bridge, the takeout double. Originally published in 1994 (Magnus Books, 978 0963753 31 1), this book quickly became recognized as a 'must-read' for any would-be bridge expert, and has never been out of print. Now, almost t[...]
This comprehensive work on this era of Grand Prix racing makes both compelling reading and an indispensable reference guide. Information on every Grand Prix car of the time, together with specifications and racing history is also included'[...]