Rock on, with more than 500 classic music posters--many unseen for years Organized chronologically from the 1950s to the present, this gallery of images from the very best illustrators in the genre captures the interplay of music and art, revealing how both evolved over the years. From gritty bar b[...]
That he has survived so long may well be a miracle. Mick Farren has spent more than four decades in the thick of the culture wars as a commentator, activist, essayist, poet, performer, and rebel with multiple causes. Being a founding figure in the 1960s underground press, who was forced to defend hi[...]
Gene Vincent oli rock'n'rollin alkuperäinen paha poika. Hänen musiikkiaan sensuroitiin ja sitä kiellettiin soittamasta. Hänen esiintymisensä päättyivät kaaokseen, hän hajotti hotellihuoneita, kun Keith Moon oli vielä koulupoika, ja hänen yksityiselämänsä oli viinan, pillereiden, aseide[...]