"Medicinal Plants of the World" is a comprehensive and scientifically accurate guide to the best-known and most important medicinal plants. The book includes descriptions of more than 300 medicinal plants and their close relatives. Each entry gives a short summary with a description of the plant, th[...]
Written by respected professors of botany and pharmaceutical biology, this is the definitive account of plants and mushrooms used for poison darts, traditional medicine, ceremonial and spiritual purposes, and recreational drugs. Hazardous plants are commonly used as garden ornamentals, potted plants[...]
Life sciences have advanced at a rapid speed. The information of cell and molecular biology as well as genetics can be applied to biotechnology and medicine. This new field has been termed "Molecular Biotechnology" and its focus is more on Science and its techniques than on fermenters and engineerin[...]
Die gut eingefuhrte "Evolutionsbiologie" von Volker Storch, Ulrich Welsch und Michael Wink liegt inzwischen in 3., sehr grundlich uberarbeiteter und aktualisierter Neuauflage vor. Die Autoren schildern den bisherigen Ablauf der Evolution der Organismen durch die Jahrmillionen, die molekularen Grundl[...]