Michael Stark - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Michael Stark
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  1. The Magic of Computer Graphics: Landmarks in Rendering (Häftad)


    Noriko Kurachi, Michael Stark

    ISBN: 9781568815770 - UTGIVEN: 201106

    Computer graphics is a vast field, and getting larger every day. It is impossible to cover every topic of interest, even within a specialization such as CG rendering. For many years, Noriko Kurachi has reported on the latest developments for Japanese readers in her monthly column for CG World. Being[...]

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    från 399.00 kr
  2. Moments of Valuation (Inbunden)


    Ariane Berthoin (EDT) Antal, Michael (EDT) Hutter, David (EDT) Stark

    ISBN: 9780198702504 - UTGIVEN: 2015-02

    The outcome of innovation processes are determined by complex, historically grown valuation practices. In this book, a wide range of innovations are taken into consideration, from small inventions like entertainment novelties to large societal changes through new technologies. The chapters observe [...]

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    från 696.00 kr