Faith. Trust. Triumph. ""I'm sorry," the doctor said. "He is permanently and totally blind. There is nothing we can do for him."" "George and Sarah Hingson looked at each other, devastated. Their six-month-old son, Michael was a happy, strawberry blond baby boy, healthy and normal in every way excep[...]
Faith. Trust. Triumph. "I trust Roselle with my life, every day. She trusts me to direct her. And today is no different, except the stakes are higher." --Michael Hingson. First came the boom--the loud, deep, unapologetic bellow that seemed to erupt from the very core of the earth. Eerily, the majest[...]
Först kom mullret - ett starkt, mörkt, obarmhärtigt dån som tycktes stiga upp från jordens eget innandöme. Den majestätiska skyskrapan lutade kusligt nog åt söder. Inget alarm hördes på sjuttioåttonde våningen av det norra tornet i World Trade Center, och ingen visste vad det var som h�[...]
Tositarina sokeasta miehestä, hänen opaskoirastaan ja luottamuksen voitosta New Yorkin World Trade Centerissä syyskuun 11. päivänä 2001.[...]