The wreck of the Reverie, a four-hundred-year-old abandoned luxury liner is rumored to house an ancient relic of immense value. When Boba comes into possession of a map revealing the ship's current whereabouts, he sets his sights on the prize. But he's not alone-two bounty-hunting brothers with a gr[...]
When he encounters a criminal from his past, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi strikes out, determined to fulfill a promise he made to himself as a young Jedi: to bring in this fugitive on his own While on the trail, Obi-Wan earns a favor from a local smuggler, but her devotion to working for her own bene[...]
Nyt se voidaan paljastaa: Imperiumin syntytaistelun jälkeen Darth Vader otti salaisen oppipojan. Täyttäessään tehtäväänsä Jedien metsästäjänä ja tuhoajana, oppipoika oli galaksin historian pimeimmän aikakauden airut.Tässä paljastetaan hänen alkuperänsä, vaarallisimmat tehtävät j[...]